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Museums for kids who love dinosaurs

Museums for kids who love dinosaurs

Most kids go through a dinosaur phase, and who could blame them? The mysterious creatures come in so many shapes and sizes that there’s an endless amount of detail to study. Here are five great ways to take kids to learn more about dinosaurs beyond just checking out the skeletons on display in the museum’s collection.

  • Field Museum (Chicago)

    Sue, the world’s largest, best-preserved, and most complete T-Rex anchors the Field Museum’s excellent collection, and on Friday nights you can have a slumber party with Sue...

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American Families Increasingly Let Kids Make Buying Decisions

American Families Increasingly Let Kids Make Buying Decisions

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day — so why are you letting your kid pick what you’ll eat? A new study from the NPD Group shows that parents defer to their children about a third of the time when it comes to deciding what to eat for breakfast, and about a quarter of the time for lunch. (The family members who are old enough to bring home the bacon are still the ones calling the shots on dinner, with only 3% of kids dictating that menu...

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Vitamin D important during pregnancy

Vitamin D important during pregnancy

Low levels of vitamin D during pregnancy are associated with an increased risk of complications in mothers-to-be and low birth weight in their newborns, a new study finds.

The research shows an association but doesn’t prove that insufficient vitamin D causes complications. Still, taking vitamin D supplements may help reduce these risks, the researchers noted.

Researchers examined data from 31 studies published between 1980 and 2012. The studies had between 95 and 1 100 participants.

The analysis revealed that pregnant women with low levels of vitamin D were more likely to develop gestational...

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Kids who are bad at math grow into adults who can’t calculate the tip, study suggests

Kids who are bad at math grow into adults who can’t calculate the tip, study suggests

We know a lot about how babies learn to talk, and youngsters learn to read. Now scientists are unraveling the earliest building blocks of math — and what children know about numbers as they begin first grade seems to play a big role in how well they do everyday calculations later on.

The findings have specialists considering steps that parents might take to spur math abilities, just like they do to try to raise a good reader.

This isn’t only about trying to improve the nation’s math scores and attract kids to become engineers. It’s far more basic.

Consider: How rapidly can you calculate a tip?...

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Paying Kids Allowance Is ‘Cruelty’

Paying Kids Allowance Is ‘Cruelty’

The great allowance debate roars on, and may have moved to a whole new level with a personal-finance scholar’s recent assertion that a “regular, unconditional allowance may be akin to cruelty to children.”

As a teaching tool, allowance isn’t just ineffective — it’s detrimental. So says Lewis Mandell, professor emeritus of finance and managerial economics at SUNY Buffalo.

Mandell is a pioneer in the field of financial education, and for a couple of years he has been questioning the educational benefits of kids receiving a regular allowance...

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Keeping your emotions in check during pregnancy

Keeping your emotions in check during pregnancy

While mood swings, anxiety and irritability are all normal emotions to have, they can be difficult to deal with. Here are five ways to help manage your moods:

Take control of an existing issue

If you’re prone to anxiousness or have a pre-existing mood disorder, your emotional lows can be even lower. Work with a psychiatrist who specializes in prenatal mental health to get treatment that is safe for you and your baby...

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Stress during pregnancy may raise heart defect risk for baby

Stress during pregnancy may raise heart defect risk for baby

Stress in mothers before and during pregnancy may boost the risk of congenital heart defects in their children, more new evidence suggests. But the findings aren’t conclusive, and the effect — if it exists — appears to be small.

Still, «there are several studies now that show an association,» said Dr. Edward McCabe, senior vice president and medical director of the March of Dimes, who is familiar with the results of the large new study. «It suggests there needs to be continued investigation of this.»

McCabe said he’s not aware of any other research linking stress in mothers to a specific kind ...

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Doubt cast on benefit of vitamin D in pregnancy

Doubt cast on benefit of vitamin D in pregnancy

“Guidelines could be overstating the importance of taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy,” The Independent has reported.

The newspaper reports on a large UK study that appears to contradict advice that vitamin D supplements in pregnancy can help strengthen babies’ bones.

Researchers assessed the link between maternal vitamin D levels and the mineral content of their child’s bones by measuring expectant mums’ vitamin D levels. They later measured the bone mineral content of the resultant children at 9-10 years of age...

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Prenatal Vitamins: The Building Blocks of Nutrition

Prenatal Vitamins: The Building Blocks of Nutrition

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is the best way of getting the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to stay healthy. If you are planning to conceive a child or if you are already pregnant or breast-feeding, you need higher amounts of certain nutrients for both your health and the health of your baby. Prenatal vitamin and mineral supplements will help you get all the nutrients that you need during this important time in your life.

What Are Prenatal Vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins are nutritional supplements...

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10 FAQ on maternity leave

10 FAQ on maternity leave

You’re a working mom-to-be and your life is about to change radically. You have an exciting but also enormously challenging time ahead of you, which means that you need to be well prepared. Here are a few handy questions you should be asking.

In South Africa, pregnant workers are well protected by the law. There is specific legislation that regulates maternity leave and also protects women from discrimination related to pregnancy. These are found in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Constitution of South Africa (Section 9 (3))...

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