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The Pros and Cons of Parenthood

The Pros and Cons of Parenthood

People make pro and con lists for all sorts of things — my husband and I had one when we were house hunting. And what you realize with these lists is that nothing is going to be absolutely perfect, you will make sacrifices. It’s the exact same way when it comes to parenthood.

My friend and sex and relationship writer Jamye Waxman recently asked her friends on Facebook to share the pros and cons of having babies. She’s gathering responses for a book she’s working on, and of course I, a mom of 3-year-old twins, had to weigh in.

I told her that I’ve never been happier. Kids are incredible...

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Nickelodeon app collects kids’ personal info without permission, says complaint

Nickelodeon app collects kids’ personal info without permission, says complaint

The Center for Digital Democracy, a non-profit advocacy group that addresses Internet and broadband issues, filed a complaint Monday with the Federal Trade Commission, asking it to investigate and take action against Nickelodeon and mobile game maker PlayFirst for violating the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act with the game «SpongeBob Diner Dash.»

The game — which has been downloaded 10 million times for iPhone and iPad according to PlayFirst’s blog — asks children to provide «a wide range of personal information, including full name, email address and other online contact information,...

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Why Lying To Kids About Santa Could Be Beneficial

Why Lying To Kids About Santa Could Be Beneficial

When Santa visited Emily Burr’s house when she was a child, he didn’t bother to hide his tracks.

His reindeer left teeth marks on the carrot sticks Burr and her three siblings had set out for them, and Santa’s milk and cookies were half-eaten in the morning.

«We knew that Santa got milk and cookies wherever he went so he didn’t want to eat too much of them,» said Burr, now a graduate student in marriage and family therapy at Kansas State University.

And because the Burrs didn’t have a chimney, Santa landed on the front lawn. On snowy Christmases, Jolly Old St...

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Whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women

Whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women

“Whooping cough cases are higher than at any point in the last twenty years and 13 babies have died from the disease, official figures have revealed” The Daily Telegraph reports.
This sad news reinforces the need for pregnant women to get vaccinated against whooping cough.
All pregnant women are now offered vaccination against whooping cough when they are 28-38 weeks pregnant. This is due to the sharp rise in the number of whooping cough cases in the UK.
Whooping cough is a serious illness. Babies who get it can develop severe complications such as pneumonia and brain damage...

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Moms’ pre-pregnancy weight tied to kids’ IQ, study says

Moms’ pre-pregnancy weight tied to kids’ IQ, study says

Children whose mothers went into pregnancy overweight may have slightly lower scores on certain tests of verbal and numbers skills, a new study says.
The findings, reported online Dec. 10 in the journal Pediatrics, do not prove that their mothers’ extra pounds are the reason for these decreased scores, and experts not involved in the study said it’s too soon to suggest mothers-to-be lose weight for the sake of their kids’ mental prowess.
But the results do add to studies showing that, for whatever reason, kids born to heavy mothers tend to have a somewhat lower IQ than their peers.
For the stu...

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For Kids: Facts About Elephants!

For Kids: Facts About Elephants!

Learn facts about elephants, including what they eat, how they live, how big they are, how they talk and more!

Elephants are wonderful animals! They are the largest mammals in the world that live on land. There are two kinds of elephants; African and Asian. Asian elephants have smaller ears and shorter tusks than African elephants. The African elephant is bigger and taller than the Asian elephant.

Do elephants live together?

Elephants live in families. Several families live together in a «herd.» The leader of the herd is usually the oldest female elephant. She is called the «matriarch...

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The weirdest baby names of 2012 — read them and weep!

The weirdest baby names of 2012 — read them and weep!

THE most unusual baby names of 2012 have been compiled by parenting website The Baby Centre.

The data comes from more than 500,000 parents of new babies who shared their names with the site, which releases the gruesome list annually.

The Baby Centre claims that each of the names was given to at least two children this year «so it’s not a fluke».

Remember, these are real babies who will go on to live their whole lives with these names — unless they change them by deed poll — so please be sensitive in your comments.

Most unusual girls names of...

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Device Helps Children with Disabilities Access Tablets

Device Helps Children with Disabilities Access Tablets

Imagine not being able to touch a touch-screen device. Tablets and smartphones—with all their educational, entertaining and social benefits—would be useless.

Researchers at Georgia Tech are trying to open the world of tablets to children whose limited mobility makes it difficult for them to perform the common pinch and swipe gestures required to control the devices.

Ayanna Howard, professor of electrical and computer engineering, and graduate student Hae Won Park have created Access4Kids, a wireless input device that uses a sensor system to translate physical movements into fine-motor gest...

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