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10 Pregnancy skin care tips

10 Pregnancy skin care tips


1 Stay hydrated

Keep dry, itchy skin at bay by hydrating it from the inside out. Because you carry extra blood flow and additional body fluids during pregnancy, it is tougher to remain hydrated. Drink lots of water to maintain soft skin.

2 Humidify

If tight skin continues to be a problem and you live in a very dry climate, employ a humidifier to help keep your skin moisturized without constantly having to run to the restroom thanks to all the extra water you’re drinking!

3 Exfoliate and Hydrate

If dry skin is flaky, use a gentle exfoliating scr...

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Women born underweight twice as likely to have fertility issues

Women born underweight twice as likely to have fertility issues

Women who were very small or underweight when they were born may be twice as likely to have fertility problems as those who were normal size at birth, new research suggests.

The study, published online March 10 in the journal BMJ Open, included more than 1,200 women in Sweden who were born in 1973 or later and sought fertility treatment with male partners between 2005 and 2010.

Fertility problems were associated with the women in 38...

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Bizarre pregnancy symptoms

Bizarre pregnancy symptoms

Painful pregnancy

Sharon C., mom of one in Gilbert, Arizona, shares, «During the last trimester of pregnancy I began to experience a lot of pain in my pelvis and thighs. It was painful to do anything that required movement if one leg separated from the other (such as turning over in bed, putting on pants, walking up stairs or getting in or out of the car).»

«I didn’t know what I had until after childbirth.»

The symptom is known as pubic symphysis diastasis and there isn’t much that can be done to help it...

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When mothers have network of peers, malnourished children are better fed

When mothers have network of peers, malnourished children are better fed

Women in rural India who participate in a vocational training program learn more than just life skills. A recent University of Illinois study found that mothers who participated in a program designed to educate and empower women gained a network of peers that led to increased bargaining strength in the home, and significantly improved their children’s consumption of rice and dairy.

«Prior to participating in Mahila Samakhya, which loosely translates to women of equal value, most of the participants reported regularly communicating with fewer than five women outside their families,» said U of I...

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How smartphones steal attention from your child

How smartphones steal attention from your child

Mealtime is supposed to be family time, but a new study suggests that ever-present smartphones are impeding parent-child communication at the table.

Researchers who observed more than 50 family-type groups eating out found a significant number of adults were preoccupied with their smartphones.

«We know from decades of research that face-to-face interactions are important for cognitive, language and emotional development. Before mobile devices existed, mealtime would’ve been a time where we would’ve seen those interactions,» said study author Dr...

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2-year-old boy saves mom using FaceTime app

2-year-old boy saves mom using FaceTime app

A 2-year-old boy is being hailed a hero after using FaceTime to save his mother after she was gravely injured.

According to a report from KGUN, Laura Toone was trying to break up a fight between a foster dog she had been caring for and one of her own dogs — when the foster dog bit part of her middle finger almost completely off.

Toone tried to dial 911 herself, but she said her hands were too bloody to make the call.

«I begged my daughters to call 911, and they’re 4, and they were quite afraid to even touch the phone, because it was covered in my own blood from me trying to call 911,» Toone, f...

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How to quit smoking while pregnant

How to quit smoking while pregnant

Quitting cold turkey

«Symptoms … are the most difficult in the first two weeks of quitting.»

Tossing your pack and swearing off cigarettes is an ideal way to avoid the risks of smoking while pregnant, but, «the side effects of quitting during pregnancy can range depending on whether you’re a light or heavy smoker,» advises Dr. Alyssa Dweck, OB/GYN and healthy mama brand medical advisory board member, «but can include restlessness, jitteriness, irritability and in severe cases seizures can occur...

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Parents help kids develop positive body image

Parents help kids develop positive body image

Parents play a crucial role in helping children develop a positive body image and healthy eating habits, an expert says.

«Sometimes we parents forgot how important our words, thoughts, and feelings are in the lives of our kids,» Dr. Aaron Krasner, director of the adolescent transitional living program at Silver Hill Hospital in New Canaan, Connecticut, said in a news release.

«‘We make the weather in our homes, a wiser-than-me parent once told me,» Krasner added. «I think it’s true – especially when it comes to eating behaviours and body image...

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Five Natural Remedies For Your Baby’s Ear Infections

Five Natural Remedies For Your Baby’s Ear Infections

There may be no common pain worse than an earache—for babies, kids and parents alike. Even a mild one can be crippling, and the misery can usually be traced to acute otitis media, a.k.a. the dreaded ear infection.

Ear infections occur in the middle ear region behind the eardrum, when the Eustachian tube that connects the throat to this space swells and prevents air from entering the middle ear. The resulting suction can pull in fluid instead. If this fluid becomes infected, an earache isn’t far behind.

Once upon a time, that meant antibiotics, but experts say that only one in eight childre...

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From sushi to sandwiches: What’s safe to eat during pregnancy

From sushi to sandwiches: What’s safe to eat during pregnancy

The list of foods you’re not supposed to eat during pregnancy can be mind-boggling. Will one sushi roll or a tuna sandwich really make a difference? Registered dietician Bridget Swinney weighs in on the dos and don’ts of food safety when you’re expecting.

Giving up your favorite foods isn’t fun, and it’s OK to give in to pregnancy cravings once in a while. The question of what’s safe to eat during pregnancy is best answered by what’s not.

Some fish is fine, but skip sushi

High mercury content in fish like ahi tuna, orange roughy, swordfish and others can be dangerous, but it doesn’t mean you ...

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