Close to half of kids late receiving vaccines: study

Close to half of kids late receiving vaccines: study

 More and more babies and toddlers aren’t getting their recommended vaccines on time, a new study suggests.

Of more than 300,000 U.S. kids born between 2004 and 2008, almost half were «undervaccinated» at some point before their second birthday — in some cases because parents chose to forgo shots recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Researchers said that trend is cause for concern because if enough kids skip their vaccines, whole schools or communities may be at higher risk for preventable infections such as whooping cough and measles.

«When that happens, it can crea...

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Smoking ban linked to drop in kids’ asthma attacks, study finds

Smoking ban linked to drop in kids’ asthma attacks, study finds

Introducing laws banning smoking in enclosed public places can lead to swift and dramatic falls in the number of children admitted to hospital suffering from asthma attacks, according to a British study.

Researchers at Imperial College London found there was a 12.3-per-cent fall in hospital admissions for childhood asthma in the first year after laws against smoking in enclosed public places and workplaces came into effect in July, 2007.

Similar anti-smoking legislation has been introduced in many other countries where it has also been linked to a reduction in childhood asthma emergencies.


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Many Kids Vaccinated Late or Not at All

Many Kids Vaccinated Late or Not at All

About half of infants and young children in the United States receive vaccinations late or not at all, a new study suggests.

Between 2004 and 2008, about 49 percent of children ages 2 months to 2 years were «undervaccinated,» meaning they received at least one vaccine or more a month later than is recommended by the current vaccine schedule. The percentage of undervaccinated children increased during the study period.

In about 13 percent of cases analyzed, parents intentionally delayed their child’s vaccination, the researchers said.

Some parents say they intentionally delay vaccinations, bec...

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Newborn screening misses some deaf kids

Newborn screening misses some deaf kids

New research provides further evidence that some babies who pass their newborn hearing tests are found to be deaf or hard of hearing as young kids.

Some of those newborns may receive passing grades incorrectly, researchers said, but others can be born with good hearing but develop progressive hearing loss as babies and toddlers.

«A parent or a physician may think, ‘Oh, this child had passed the screen, so they must not have hearing loss,'» said Dr. David Chi, the study’s lead author from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pennsylvania.

«Don’t depend on just the fact that (your ch...

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Childhood vaccine schedule is safe

Childhood vaccine schedule is safe

The standard vaccine schedule for young children in the United States is safe and effective, a new review says.

The report, issued Wednesday by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) at the request of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the first to look at the entire vaccine schedule as opposed to just individual vaccines. The current vaccine schedule entails 24 vaccines given before the age of 2, averaging one to five shots during a single doctor visit.

«The committee found no evidence that the childhood immunization schedule is not safe,» said Ada Sue Hinshaw, chair of the committ...

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Potential to Prevent, Reverse Disabilities in Children Born Prematurely, Study Suggests

Potential to Prevent, Reverse Disabilities in Children Born Prematurely, Study Suggests

Physician-scientists at Oregon Health & Science University Doernbecher Children’s Hospital are challenging the way pediatric neurologists think about brain injury in the pre-term infant. In a study published online in the Jan. 16 issue of Science Translational Medicine, the OHSU Doernbecher researchers report for the first time that low blood and oxygen flow to the developing brain does not, as previously thought, cause an irreversible loss of brain cells, but rather disrupts the cells’ ability to fully mature...

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Study finds low flu vaccine rates in American kids

Study finds low flu vaccine rates in American kids

Flu vaccination rates among U.S. children were lower than expected over a recent five-year period, a new study reports.

The findings were released in the midst of the current flu season, with 47 states now reporting widespread illness, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health officials recommend that all children 6 months and older get the flu vaccine.

For the new study, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center researchers reviewed data on more than 8,000 children younger than 5 in three counties in Ohio, New York and Tennessee between 2004 and 2009, and found that le...

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Fast-food ‘link’ to child asthma and eczema

Fast-food ‘link’ to child asthma and eczema

“Fast food and takeaways linked to surge in child asthma and allergies,” reports The Guardian.

Along with many other papers, it reports on a study attempting to shed light on one of the enduring medical mysteries of recent times – what explains the sharp rise in allergic conditions that has occurred during the past few decades?

Researchers wanted to investigate the theory that changes to traditional diets in the developed world since World War Two may be partially responsible.

This was an international survey looking at the links between diet and three allergy-related conditions in adole...

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Cases of rare but deadly encephalitis rising among kids, report finds

Cases of rare but deadly encephalitis rising among kids, report finds

Although still rare, the extremely serious disease known as Eastern equine encephalitis may be affecting more people than before.

In a recent review of two epidemics of Eastern equine encephalitis since the mid-2000s, researchers found 15 cases of the mosquito-borne illness among children in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Normally, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention records about five to 10 cases a year nationwide.

«This virus is rare, but it’s among the world’s most dangerous viruses, and it’s in your own backyard,» said lead review author Dr...

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Is it possible for children to ‘grow out’ of autism?

Is it possible for children to ‘grow out’ of autism?

«Children can ‘grow out of’ autism, psychologists say, challenging the established view that autism is a permanent, incurable condition,» The Independent has reported.

The story is based on a study that documented a group of individuals with an early history of diagnosed autism. These individuals no longer met the criteria for this diagnosis in later life and seemed to function normally.

The study compared the functioning of this group with a group consisting of people with high functioning autism (often referred to as Asperger syndrome) and a second group of people who were developing or ha...

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