Paediatricians oppose school suspension, expulsion

Paediatricians oppose school suspension, expulsion

A group representing paediatricians saysdisciplining students with out-of-school suspension or expulsion is counter-productive to school goals and should only be used on case by case basis.

The policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that paediatricians familiarise themselves with the policies of their local school districts, and advocate for prevention and alternative strategies.

«The adverse effect of out-of-school suspension and expulsion on the student can be profound,» the experts wrote.

«Data suggest that students who are involved in the juvenile justic...

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State with the highest teen pregnancy rate is …

State with the highest teen pregnancy rate is …

Teen pregnancy rates are highest in New Mexico and lowest in New Hampshire, according to a new report on the most current state-level data on pregnancy, birthrates and abortions among 15- to 19-year-olds.

The data is from 2008, the most current year that comprehensive information is available, according to the reproductive rights agency the Guttmacher Institute. Though 16 states did see an increase in teen pregnancies between 2005 and 2008, the analysis suggests that overall rates are continuing their decades-long decline.

«There are a few key factors driving the long-term declines in teen pre...

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Therapy dogs may help autistic kids

Therapy dogs may help autistic kids

For children with autism, trained dogs may offer not only a furry friend, but some therapeutic benefits too, a new research review finds.

There is a «substantial body of evidence» that dogs act as «social catalysts,» even encouraging adults to be a little friendlier to each other, said senior researcher Francesca Cirulli, of the National Institute of Health in Rome, Italy. And the few studies that have focused on kids with autism suggest the same is true for them.

People have long turned to animals as a way to help with health conditions or disabilities — either as part of formal therapy or t...

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Apple offers compensation for kids’ in-app purchases

Apple offers compensation for kids’ in-app purchases

It’s not rare for parents to hand over their iPhones, iPods, or iPads to their kids to play around with as a much-needed distraction, whether at home or a long car ride. But, kids are more tech-savvy nowadays and can easily navigate their way around these devices, and that can lead to some very expensive problems.

The BBC reports that the issue—which has since been rectified—is that, prior to the release of iOS 4.3, in-app purchases could be made without needing to enter a password during the 15 minute window after downloading a new app.

This was first brought to the public’s attentio...

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Experts issue guidelines for gene tests in kids

Experts issue guidelines for gene tests in kids

Groups representing pediatricians and geneticists issued new recommendations on Thursday to provide doctors with guidance about when to test a child’s DNA for genetic conditions.

The recommendations are the first collaboration between the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics. Neither organization has issued guidelines for genetic testing of kids in over a decade, according to one of the study’s lead authors.

«What we’re trying to show is a unified and consistent message about genetic testing in children,» said Dr...

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Kids With Ear Infections May Not Need Antibiotics, New Guidelines Say

Kids With Ear Infections May Not Need Antibiotics, New Guidelines Say

Young children with ear infections don’t necessarily need antibiotic treatment right away. In fact, they may not need the medication at all, according to new guidelines from an influential group of doctors.

Children ages 6 months to 2 years with an infection in one ear who don’t have a high fever, severe pain or other complications can be watched for 48 hours without antibiotic treatment to see if the infection gets worse, the guidelines say. The same watching period applies to older children with amild infection in one or both ears.

The new guidelines, from the American Academy of P...

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Fluoride: Necessary or too much of a good thing?

Fluoride: Necessary or too much of a good thing?

Community water fluoridation has been around for more than 65 years, and although proponents cite many benefits, the practice has come under fire recently as critics are questioning the amount our children are consuming – and if it’s even necessary.

Touted as one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, community water fluoridation has been shown to significantly decrease tooth decay...

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Children cannot be left in cars

Children cannot be left in cars

Ever dashed into a shop leaving a sleeping baby in the car? I think we’ve all been guilty of that but have you ever stopped to consider why children are not to be left alone in cars? Do you have any idea how long it takes for a car to heat up to temperatures that are deadly for babies and small children? Do you know how many children were rescued by emergency services in Victoria alone in this past year?

We say we know the risks of babies and children in hot cars but do we? Nine hundred Victorian parents got the shock of their lives when after dashing into the shops for a quick errand they cam...

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Parents: Don’t tell kids about past drug use

Parents: Don’t tell kids about past drug use

Discussing the regrets of past drug use may seem like a good way to convey the dangers of drugs, but the move could backfire, according to a new study.

Children of parents who disclose past alcohol, drug or tobacco use are more likely to have more positive views about drugs than peers whose parents don’t, according to a study published online Jan. 25 in the journal Human Communication Research. That held even if the parents were describing their regrets about drug use.

«This is a really cool article, because it does break down the dialogue» and give parents some ideas for what to say, said Mi...

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To Spot Kids Who Will Overcome Poverty, Look At Babies

To Spot Kids Who Will Overcome Poverty, Look At Babies

Why do some children who grow up in poverty do well, while others struggle?

To understand more about this, a group of psychologists recently did a study.

It began in a small spare room where a series of very poor mothers and their 5-month-old babies came to watch a soothing video. Soothing the baby was the point, says Elisabeth Conradt, a postdoctoral researcher at Brown University’s Brown Center for the Study of Children at Risk. The researchers needed to take measurements of the babies when they were calm.

On the screen, circles of gently colored shapes flickered and music softly played whil...

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