Coping with your Baby’s First Christmas

Coping with your Baby’s First Christmas

Are you facing up to your very first Christmas with a baby? Need some advice on how to deal with flying, the long car trip, critical relatives or even Santa? Kate Gillan is a parenting expert who has some older and wiser advice for brand new parents who are going to be highly strung this holiday season. We first posted this story a year ago but since our first timers last year are now hardened graduates of Christmas with Baby, we think there might be some worried newcomers who could use this advice!

Christmas can be a minefield of family grudges and temper tantrums...

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Having babies sit up may help them learn

Having babies sit up may help them learn

Babies may learn better when they’re sitting up, a new study suggests.
«An important part of human cognitive development is the ability to understand whether an object in view is the same or different from an object seen earlier,» Rebecca Woods, an assistant professor of human development and family science and doctoral psychology lecturer at North Dakota State University, said in a university news release.
«Cognitive development» refers to abilities like thinking, perception and memory.
She and colleague Teresa Wilcox, a psychology professor at Texas A&M University, found that infants at age...

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9 Things to Ask Before You Send Your Child on a Play Date

9 Things to Ask Before You Send Your Child on a Play Date

I remember when my son was finally old enough to go on «drop-off» play dates. I just walked him over to his friend’s house, handed him over to another family for the afternoon … and then tried not to worry! When you think about it, there’s a lot of trust involved in a play date.

You want your kids to have fun on their play dates. And no one wants to be «that mom» — the one who gets all neurotic and asks if all the snacks will be organic. But now that your kids are making new friends at school away from you, a few questions are totally reasonable to ask...

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Nutrition: health professionals can advise, but parents have the final say

Nutrition: health professionals can advise, but parents have the final say

If parents find advice from health professionals too dictatorial, it can put them off asking for help in the future

For Starters, a new report published by thinktank Demos on child nutrition, shows many parents are confused and anxious about healthy eating for their babies and toddlers.

A survey of more than 1,800 mothers of children aged 0-2, conducted for the report, found that one in five felt they had not received enough advice on breastfeeding; over a quarter of mothers wanted more advice about introducing solid food and a third wanted more information about toddler nutrition...

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High levels of vitamin D deficiency observed in critically ill children

High levels of vitamin D deficiency observed in critically ill children

There is something to be said for allowing your children copious amounts of free time outdoors to ride their bicycles, engage in sports activities, and play with their friends, especially if you want them to grow up to be healthy, strong, and vibrant members of society. And a recent study published in the journal Pediatrics clearly illustrates this point, having found that many of the most critically ill children are also the ones with the most severe vitamin D deficiencies, which means these young ones are not getting enough natural sunlight exposure to maintain proper health.

For their study...

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Children’s Meetings Offline With People Met Online Examined in New Study

Children’s Meetings Offline With People Met Online Examined in New Study

Few parents feel entirely comfortable with their children meeting their online acquaintances in real life. But a new study published in the pioneering Journal of Children and Media sets out to put the risks and benefits of such meetings in perspective.

Monica Barbovschi’s study uses data collected as part of the cross-national EU Kids Online II project investigating children’s experiences of (and parental concerns about) the Internet. As part of the project, children completed a questionnaire about making contact with new people online...

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Travelling with Children

Travelling with Children

There is nothing quite like travelling with children to make you nostalgic for your pre-children days! Jumping in the car at the last minute, flinging some gear in a backpack to board a plane seem like distant memories as you load baby gear, clothing, equipment and toys into over-loaded suitcases. I sometimes suspect that less equipment was needed to invade Russia than to take one small child half way across the country. So how do you make this Christmas season work? After all it is Christmas and you just have to go!

The writers of the Hollywood flop «Snakes on a Plane» really hadn’t done thei...

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Detoxing your kids from violent media

Detoxing your kids from violent media

In the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, people are finally motivated to look more closely how society fosters aggression.
Some blame technology and the media—pointing a finger at violent video games and violent television shows and movies.
First, it should be said that there is not sufficient evidence proving video games or movies or television cause violence...

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Flu’s «first kiss»: Remembered forever

Flu’s «first kiss»: Remembered forever

A new global study of a century’s worth of flu pandemics gives new meaning to that «first kiss.» Influenza’s first kiss, that is.

«Your first kiss by the influenza virus produces original antigenic sins,» the study’s lead author, Dr. Thomas Reichert of the Entropy Research Institute in Lincoln, Mass., tells CBS News. «We remember our first kiss forever.»

The study, published Dec. 12 in the peer-reviewed BMC Medicine, looks at all five influenza pandemics of the past 100 years...

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App developers concerned new rules to protect kids will damage business

App developers concerned new rules to protect kids will damage business

A cellphone game for kids about U.S. geography, «Stack the States,» gets rave reviews from parents. Its creator, Dan Russell-Pinson, considered making the 99-cent app better by adding a feature to allow children to play online against one another. But with the Federal Trade Commission issuing more stringent online child privacy rules, he’s not even pursuing the idea.
«It would require all kinds of data sharing,» said Russell-Pinson, the founder and sole employee of Freecloud Design in Charlotte, N.C. «I would be kind of afraid to do that.»
The software industry is bracing for new regulations t...

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