Travelling with Children

Travelling with Children

There is nothing quite like travelling with children to make you nostalgic for your pre-children days! Jumping in the car at the last minute, flinging some gear in a backpack to board a plane seem like distant memories as you load baby gear, clothing, equipment and toys into over-loaded suitcases. I sometimes suspect that less equipment was needed to invade Russia than to take one small child half way across the country. So how do you make this Christmas season work? After all it is Christmas and you just have to go!

The writers of the Hollywood flop «Snakes on a Plane» really hadn’t done their research because they were unable to give their movie the full horror of being stuck on a plane with a toddler. After all the entire plane was united to fight the menace of the snakes.. but if it’s your child letting out the ear splitting shrieks, there is really no where to hide!

Travelling successfully with small children whether across town or across the country takes a strong nerve and a bit of planning. The two guests on this podcast have had a lot of experience at working with children and babies. Angela Jacobsen was once nanny to Madonna’s children and most of her work has been travelling long distances with small children. Kate Gillen was also our special guest on «Baby’s First Christmas» and has lots of really practical advice on helping young children and their parents cope with the upheaval of Christmas.

Listen for some good ideas for taking a long plane trip with children and some of Kate’s practical advice on making Christmas travel work for your family.

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