Born on Christmas Day

Born on Christmas Day

If your due date is December 25th then you might be worrying about having a baby born on one very inconvenient day! Is it really bad news to be born on Christmas day? Are there compensations for a Christmas Day birthday and how hard should you try to hold on until a more acceptable date (if that is at all in your power)?

Most of us are pretty happy to be receiving a baby let alone worrying about the due date but when it comes to Christmas I bet you can name a few people who have a birthday on the 25th of December and if you’ve known them since you were little I bet you’ve always felt a bit sorry for them having such a dreadful birthday date.
Well is it such a bad birthday? If you are due around the 25th what can we do to make you feel a bit better apart from pointing out that only 4% of babies actually arrive on their due date!
In this podcast, meet my sister who had her third baby (my niece Christijana) on Christmas day a few years ago and a colleague producer of the Overnight Program, Helen Richardson who was also born on the 25th of December.
In the mean time have your own wonderful Christmas time and hopefully you’ll get some sleep (all any new parents wish for at Christmas) and we’ll see you next year.. with three one off Babytalk radio programs.
Sunday nights 9pm — 10pm on the Digital Radio Networks of ABC.. Sunday 13th, 20th and 27th of January.. we hope to see you there with some amazing guests who can take your calls personally! Our first program.. Difficult Pregnancies. Look forward to meeting up with you soon either on radio, facebook or twitter.

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