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Kids and digital media: removing the fears

Kids and digital media: removing the fears

Reports of Adam Lanza’s war-game obsession and the new FTC rules on children’s online privacy help refocus concerns on the effects of digital media on children. But parental anxiety can be channeled toward solutions.

Here is what many parents face this Christmas:

Among 6-to-12-year-olds, the top wish in gifts is a mobile device – either a tablet computer or a smart phone.

And the top two bestselling video games (names withheld on purpose) involve military shooting.

Add these two together and parents may wonder how they can better safeguard their children from the head-spinning advances in di...

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Parents ‘need to drink less’ in front of their kids

Parents ‘need to drink less’ in front of their kids

A study into the impact of parental drinking habits was in the papers today, with the Independent reporting that parents “should drink alcohol less in front of the children” and the Daily Mail claiming that women drinkers “pass on bad habits to their teenage children”.

The study was published by the think-tank Demos. Demos states that its work is driven by “the goal of a society populated by free, capable, secure and powerful citizens”.

The study, entitled ‘Feeling the Effects’, was carried out to assess whether there were alcohol-related harms occurring, to quote the report, ‘beh...

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AIHW report: Australia’s oldest new mum gave birth at 60

AIHW report: Australia’s oldest new mum gave birth at 60

THE nation’s oldest new mother gave birth at the age of 60, official records have revealed.
The unidentified woman, who gave birth in 2010, is among dozens of menopausal women who had babies that year, newly released Federal Government data shows.
It is the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’ s most recent survey year.
Institute perinatal statistics director Elizabeth Sullivan yesterday said «fewer than 50» women in their 50s had babies in 2010.
Professor Sullivan would not reveal the precise number, to avoid identifying any of the middle-aged mums, but said most of the births would ha...

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Don’t take it personally, grandma: When kids don’t warm up to holiday visitors

Don’t take it personally, grandma: When kids don’t warm up to holiday visitors

Two Christmases ago, Rebekah Crane’s family friend, David, came over with a present for her toddler daughter, Drew. Unfortunately, the little girl, who is now 4, is “cautiously suspicious” of people she doesn’t interact with on a daily basis, Crane said — and for some reason, as a younger child, hated every “strange man” who walked into their house.

“David walked in the front door with a large puzzle of the United States so she could see and learn where all of her family members live — and Drew loves puzzles — it was the perfect gift,” says Crane, author of the young adult novel “P...

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Travelling with Children

Travelling with Children

There is nothing quite like travelling with children to make you nostalgic for your pre-children days! Jumping in the car at the last minute, flinging some gear in a backpack to board a plane seem like distant memories as you load baby gear, clothing, equipment and toys into over-loaded suitcases. I sometimes suspect that less equipment was needed to invade Russia than to take one small child half way across the country. So how do you make this Christmas season work? After all it is Christmas and you just have to go!

The writers of the Hollywood flop «Snakes on a Plane» really hadn’t done thei...

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Cotton On fined for selling flammable kids pyjamas

Cotton On fined for selling flammable kids pyjamas

Clothing company Cotton On has been fined $1 million for selling highly flammable children’s pyjamas.

Cotton On Kids consented to orders in the Federal Court that it breached the Competition and Consumer Act by selling pyjamas that did not meet Australian standards and for mislabelling them as being of «low fire danger».

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) deputy chair Delia Rickard said the pyjamas and nightdresses were very dangerous.

«The nightwear was so flammable that they should not have been supplied in Australia at all,» she said in a statement.

«To compound this, the...

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The Pros and Cons of Parenthood

The Pros and Cons of Parenthood

People make pro and con lists for all sorts of things — my husband and I had one when we were house hunting. And what you realize with these lists is that nothing is going to be absolutely perfect, you will make sacrifices. It’s the exact same way when it comes to parenthood.

My friend and sex and relationship writer Jamye Waxman recently asked her friends on Facebook to share the pros and cons of having babies. She’s gathering responses for a book she’s working on, and of course I, a mom of 3-year-old twins, had to weigh in.

I told her that I’ve never been happier. Kids are incredible...

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Nickelodeon app collects kids’ personal info without permission, says complaint

Nickelodeon app collects kids’ personal info without permission, says complaint

The Center for Digital Democracy, a non-profit advocacy group that addresses Internet and broadband issues, filed a complaint Monday with the Federal Trade Commission, asking it to investigate and take action against Nickelodeon and mobile game maker PlayFirst for violating the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act with the game «SpongeBob Diner Dash.»

The game — which has been downloaded 10 million times for iPhone and iPad according to PlayFirst’s blog — asks children to provide «a wide range of personal information, including full name, email address and other online contact information,...

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Why Lying To Kids About Santa Could Be Beneficial

Why Lying To Kids About Santa Could Be Beneficial

When Santa visited Emily Burr’s house when she was a child, he didn’t bother to hide his tracks.

His reindeer left teeth marks on the carrot sticks Burr and her three siblings had set out for them, and Santa’s milk and cookies were half-eaten in the morning.

«We knew that Santa got milk and cookies wherever he went so he didn’t want to eat too much of them,» said Burr, now a graduate student in marriage and family therapy at Kansas State University.

And because the Burrs didn’t have a chimney, Santa landed on the front lawn. On snowy Christmases, Jolly Old St...

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Whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women

Whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women

“Whooping cough cases are higher than at any point in the last twenty years and 13 babies have died from the disease, official figures have revealed” The Daily Telegraph reports.
This sad news reinforces the need for pregnant women to get vaccinated against whooping cough.
All pregnant women are now offered vaccination against whooping cough when they are 28-38 weeks pregnant. This is due to the sharp rise in the number of whooping cough cases in the UK.
Whooping cough is a serious illness. Babies who get it can develop severe complications such as pneumonia and brain damage...

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