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US Fights to Adopt Russian Kids

US Fights to Adopt Russian Kids

Washington is trying to help hundreds of American families whose dreams of adopting a child from Russia are in limbo after the passage of a controversial Russian law, a top US official said Tuesday.

Calling it “tragic” for the families and children involved, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said some 500 to 1,000 US families already had made progress in their adoption plans before the new ban came into force.

In many cases the families have met with the children they planned to offer a new home in the United States, and already bonded with them.

“We are continuing our conversat...

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US Fights to Adopt Russian Kids

US Fights to Adopt Russian Kids

Washington is trying to help hundreds of American families whose dreams of adopting a child from Russia are in limbo after the passage of a controversial Russian law, a top US official said Tuesday.

Calling it «tragic» for the families and children involved, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said some 500 to 1,000 US families already had made progress in their adoption plans before the new ban came into force.

In many cases the families have met with the children they planned to offer a new home in the United States, and already bonded with them.

«We are continuing our conversations...

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Let babies «cry it out,» study suggests

Let babies «cry it out,» study suggests

Most babies who wake up during the night should be allowed to self-soothe and fall back to sleep on their own, researchers say.

«By 6 months of age, most babies sleep through the night, awakening their mothers only about once per week. However, not all children follow this pattern of development,» Marsha Weinraub, a Temple University psychology professor, said in a university news release.

«If you measure them while they are sleeping, all babies — like all adults — move through a sleep cycle every one-and-a-half to two hours where they wake up and then return to sleep...

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What Is The Middle Child Syndrome?

What Is The Middle Child Syndrome?

Here are some characteristics of the middle born child or children.

The middle or second born child or children often have the sense of not belonging. They fight to receive attention from parents and others because they feel many times they are being ignored or dubbed off as being the same as another sibling. Being in the middle a child can feel insecure. The middle child often lacks drive and looks for direction from the first born child. Sometimes a middle child feels out of place because they are not over achievers and like to go with the flow of things.

Being a middle child would mean they...

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Study tracks kids’ brain activity while watching «Sesame Street»

Study tracks kids’ brain activity while watching «Sesame Street»

Looking at how kids’ brains responded while viewing «Sesame Street» videos, researchers found that the more kids’ brains acted like those of adults, the better they performed on tests.

The findings may seem obvious. Why wouldn’t kids with adult-like brains score better on tests? But study lead author Jessica Cantlon said there’s more to the research.

«It’s a step in the direction toward understanding what typical brain development looks like and predicting what might be going wrong,» said Cantlon, an assistant professor in the department of brain and cognitive sciences at the University of Roc...

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Antidepressants don’t increase pregnancy risks

Antidepressants don’t increase pregnancy risks

THE use of antidepressants during pregnancy is not linked to a higher overall risk of stillbirth and death in newborns, a study said Tuesday, confounding a long-held opposing view of such drugs.

The Swedish study of more than 1.6 million births in five Nordic countries included nearly 30,000 women who had filled in a prescription for an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) during pregnancy.

The researchers found that the 1.79 percent of mothers exposed to an SSRI had higher rates of stillbirth (4.62 versus 3.69 per 1,000) and postneonatal death (1.38 versus 0...

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The key to happier kids? Acts of kindness, study says

The key to happier kids? Acts of kindness, study says

Virtue may be its own reward, but it turns out it’s also got an added bonus for preadolescents. A new study of Canadian kids has found that performing acts of kindness not only boosts their happiness and well-being, it also makes them more popular.

Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, a professor in the University of British Columbia’s faculty of education, and co-author Kristin Layous of the University of California, Riverside, examined whether or not committing kind acts would increase kids’ well-being...

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Ban on Adoptions of Russian Children by American Parents IS a ‘Tragedy’

Ban on Adoptions of Russian Children by American Parents IS a ‘Tragedy’

Russian president Vladimir V. Putin made headlines around the world today when he said he will sign a law banning the adoptions of Russian children by American citizens. He made headlines for a number of reasons, mostly political (the ban is said to be Putin’s retaliation against an American law punishing Russians accused of violating human rights). But as a mom, I find the personal implications of this ban to be the most devastating...

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Parents naming kids after Disney characters Tinkerbell and Nemo

Parents naming kids after Disney characters Tinkerbell and Nemo

Disney character names Tinkerbell, Nemo and Buzzbee are among the unusual names that parents have chosen for their newborns this year.

Sailor, Storm, River, Wade and Zed were the other unusual monikers given to babies.

Bounty.com compiled the list of names given to 430,000 of the 724,000 babies born this year.

Monikers associated with football, music and motoring also featured in the list of the most popular choices, with Hendrix, Keegan, Zico, Bentley and Diesel included, the Mirror reported.

The site’s spokesperson Lisa Penney said that nowadays more parents want their kids to stand out w...

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No Bullies: Kind Kids Are Most Popular

No Bullies: Kind Kids Are Most Popular

As the holidays call for good will toward men, new research indicates that kids who are kinder are also happier and more popular. This finding suggests that simple and brief acts of kindness might help reduce bullying, the researchers say.

At the top of parents’ wish lists is for their children to be happy, to be good and to be well-liked, and past research has suggested these goals may be not only compatible but complementary...

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