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Kids’ Choice Awards Winners Slimed

Kids’ Choice Awards Winners Slimed

In the 26th Annual Kids’ Choice Awards, this year’s host, Josh Duhamel said that a record-breaking 350 million votes had been cast for the kids’ favorites in film, music, sports and TV.  However, the awards weren’t complete without the traditional green slime.

Singers Pitbull and Christina Aguilera opened the show with their song “Feel This Moment” and when Aguilera pushed the slime button at the end of their performance, Pitbull and the backup dancers were covered in green.

Duhamel also got his share of the slime but got a kick out of dumping the slime on Los Angele Lakers player...

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Mother Tried to Sell Her Kids on Facebook for $4,000

Mother Tried to Sell Her Kids on Facebook for $4,000

Here’s a quick parenting tip: It’s not OK to offer to sell your children on Facebook, even if you really need the money.

Misty VanHorn, a mother of two in Oklahoma, found that out the hard way over the weekend. VanHorn, 22, was arrested Saturday for alleged trafficking of minors on Facebook — offering her 10-month old and her 2 year-old for $4,000.

According to the police report, VanHorn offered the kids several times on the social network — offering the 10-month old girl for $1,000, or a package deal with the two of them for $4,000. And she had a taker.

VanHorn was dealing with a woman i...

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Pregnancy changes women’s feet, study finds

Pregnancy changes women’s feet, study finds

A new study may help confirm what some women have long suspected — that pregnancy permanently changes the size and shape of their feet.

Among pregnant women, flat feet are a common problem. The arch of the foot flattens out, possibly because of the extra weight and increased looseness of the joints associated with pregnancy, the University of Iowa researchers explained.

This loss of arch height appears to be permanent, according to the study in the March issue of the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

«I had heard women reporting changes in their shoe size with pregnancy,...

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Check the baby! 1 in 10 new moms shows signs of OCD, study finds

Check the baby! 1 in 10 new moms shows signs of OCD, study finds

Dr. Dana Gossett still remembers the unsettling and obsessive thoughts that filled her brain after her first child was born.

She worried that the baby would roll out of bed. She fretted repeatedly that she’d fall down the stairs while carrying her daughter, now a healthy 13-year-old.

“These are thoughts that come unbidden into your mind. They just appear there and can be uncomfortable,” recalls Gossett, chief of the obstetrics and gynecology division at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

“I had just enough psychiatry to know that this was not normal.”

Gossett’s ...

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The crazy dreams of pregnancy

The crazy dreams of pregnancy

Pregnant women report that they have some of the most amazing, crazy and disturbing dreams of their lives. We talk with moms to find out what their strangest pregnancy dreams were.


Nursing a ferret? Kittens in your belly? Lost baby? If you’re pregnant, chances are your dreams are vivid, wacky and sometimes upsetting or scary.

Birthing animals

One common theme pregnant women experience is giving birth to and breastfeeding animals...

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Are you pregnant, or is it PMS?

Are you pregnant, or is it PMS?


Early pregnancy symptoms can mimic premenstrual symptoms to the point of annoyance — are your breasts tender, or are they really, really tender? We asked real moms how their early pregnancy symptoms manifested and whether it was different than the usual monthly routine.

Ah, early pregnancy. A time of questions — are you pregnant, or is this just some PMS fun? Is there really a difference? We spoke with real moms to find out what their first clues were that told them that a little one was on the way.

Sensitive, painful boobs

It’s not just a myth...

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Is it OK to fast while pregnant?

Is it OK to fast while pregnant?


Holiday fasts are a common religious custom, but when you’ve got a baby on board, is it OK to fast while pregnant or is it a pregnancy danger you should avoid?

Before you deprive yourself and your baby-to-be, check out these tips for practicing your faith without risking your pregnancy.

Consider your health

Fasting for pregnancy glucose tests is common, but when it comes to fasting while pregnant or nursing, research is still unclear as to whether or not it is a danger to your baby-to-be or nursing child...

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5 parenting tips

5 parenting tips

Raising children can be quite a handful, especially when they get out of hand. Here you can find useful tips, which could help you keep your children in order, both physically and behaviourally.

Bed-wetting blues
Your child is wetting his bed and you don’t know what to do. Know that medical treatment is not the only strategy that helps – motivational counselling can make a big difference too.

Take action:
Counselling includes the following: the child assumes an active role by keeping track of wet and dry nights on a calendar; fluids are not consumed 2-3 hours before going to bed; the child h...

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Can I make love while I am pregnant?

Can I make love while I am pregnant?

With the holiday of love quickly approaching, you might be wondering how you and your partner can have a romantic physical celebration — or if it is even safe to do so? Find out the real facts and some tips that might help to make it special and comfortable.


Many pregnant women find themselves with an increased sexual drive and strong desire for physical intimacy with their partners especially as their pregnancy advances...

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Is one of the most common drugs prescribed during pregnancy safe for your baby?

Is one of the most common drugs prescribed during pregnancy safe for your baby?

Many expectant mothers are wary of taking drugs during the early weeks of pregnancy, as this time period can be crucial for the development of their baby.  However, sometimes it’s hard to know for sure just what kind of effects medications can have on an unborn child.

Fortunately, many mothers can now rest easy when it comes to one very common medication. A recent study from researchers at the Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen found that the drug Zofran, which is used to treat nausea and vomiting, is safe to use during early pregnancy and poses no increased risk to the developing fetus.

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