Записи рубрики: Здоровье

The ten worst ways your children are being poisoned right now: vaccines, food, video games and more

The ten worst ways your children are being poisoned right now: vaccines, food, video games and more

Modern children are being poisoned like never before in the history of human civilization. No wonder the rate of autism in America has skyrocketed to 1 in 88 children over the last few decades, putting autism squarely in the «epidemic» category.

But don’t expect any CDC action on this epidemic. The CDC knows full well why autism rates are exploding across America, but instead of admitting the truth, the CDC is running a cover story to protect the corporate interests of the real culprits: the medical corporations poisoning children for profit (see below).

It’s not just medical companies that ar...

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Family Meals Help Kids Eat More Fruit & Veggies

Family Meals Help Kids Eat More Fruit & Veggies

One or two family meals a week may help kids eat more fruits and vegetables, a new study suggests.
In the U.K. study, children whose families always ate meals together consumed 4.4 ounces (1.5 portions) more fruits and vegetables a day compared with children whose families never ate together.
And kids who had family meals just once or twice a week consumed 3.4 ounces (1.2 portions) more produce a day.
«Modern life often prevents the whole family from sitting round the dinner table, but this research shows that even just Sunday lunch round the table can help improve the diets of our families,» ...

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Diy Beauty Products: 5 Simple Bath Salt Recipes

Diy Beauty Products: 5 Simple Bath Salt Recipes

Five homemade bath salt recipes that are easy to make for yourself or to give as gifts. Includes list of natural ingredients you can customize yourself.

There are a variety of bath salts available on the market. But customizing your own can be fun, rewarding, and be used as gifts for various occasions. A homemade gift is much more personal and special than a card or an ill-fitting sweater. Below are five bath salt recipes that are easy to make but look like you spent hours working on them.
Ocean Essence Bath Salts

1 cup Epsom salts
1 cup baking soda

4-5 drops blue food coloring

4 drops jasmine...

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The many benefits of yoga for kids

The many benefits of yoga for kids

Many children live a fast paced lifestyle between school, busy parents, sports and activities. It may not seem like it, but they are inundated with stresses such as peer pressure, competition, finding balance and over stimulation. Teaching yoga to children at a young age has tremendous health benefits and can give them the means they need to handle many life situations.

Help grow the body, mind and soul

Physical benefits include increased strength, flexibility, body awareness and coordination. Yoga helps to improve concentration and relaxation...

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Two Cups of Milk a Day Ideal for Children’s Health, New Research Shows

Two Cups of Milk a Day Ideal for Children’s Health, New Research Shows

New research has answered one of the most common questions parents ask their doctors: How much milk should I be giving my children? The answer is two cups per day.

«We started to research the question because professional recommendations around milk intake were unclear and doctors and parents were seeking answers,» said Dr. Jonathon Maguire, a pediatrician at St. Michael’s Hospital and the lead author of the study.

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High levels of vitamin D deficiency observed in critically ill children

High levels of vitamin D deficiency observed in critically ill children

There is something to be said for allowing your children copious amounts of free time outdoors to ride their bicycles, engage in sports activities, and play with their friends, especially if you want them to grow up to be healthy, strong, and vibrant members of society. And a recent study published in the journal Pediatrics clearly illustrates this point, having found that many of the most critically ill children are also the ones with the most severe vitamin D deficiencies, which means these young ones are not getting enough natural sunlight exposure to maintain proper health.

For their study...

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Flu’s «first kiss»: Remembered forever

Flu’s «first kiss»: Remembered forever

A new global study of a century’s worth of flu pandemics gives new meaning to that «first kiss.» Influenza’s first kiss, that is.

«Your first kiss by the influenza virus produces original antigenic sins,» the study’s lead author, Dr. Thomas Reichert of the Entropy Research Institute in Lincoln, Mass., tells CBS News. «We remember our first kiss forever.»

The study, published Dec. 12 in the peer-reviewed BMC Medicine, looks at all five influenza pandemics of the past 100 years...

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Tiny Premature Baby Survives Thanks to a Pair of Scissors Accidentally Left on Scale

Tiny Premature Baby Survives Thanks to a Pair of Scissors Accidentally Left on Scale

The fact that Maddalena Douse was born at just 23 weeks, and is the youngest premature baby ever to survive in the UK, is a miracle in and of itself. But the reason she’s alive makes the entire situation all the more miraculous. See, current guidelines in England don’t suggest providing active care for babies born 22 weeks and 6 days or before. But when they put Maddalena on the scale, and realized that she weighed 1 pound — the minimum weight for a baby to be considered «viable» — they fought to keep her alive. Here’s the thing, though — Maddalena wasn’t 1 pound. Apair of scissors h...

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Children not eating enough fruit

Children not eating enough fruit

MOST parents are not giving fresh fruit to their children and serving processed fruit snacks instead, a survey shows.

About 60 per cent of parents wanted their children to eat more fruit, the survey of 501 parents found, but only 46 per cent actually served it.

The Australian Pineapples Family Nutrition Report surveyed parents about their eating habits, fruit intake, parental influence on children’s eating habits and whether fresh fruit was bought.

Australian Pineapples ambassador Dr Joanna McMillan said developing healthy eating habits early in life is vital.

«Despite reports showing 20 per...

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Natural cold and flu remedies for children

Natural cold and flu remedies for children

There have been many recalls on Children’s Tylenol and Motrin over the years due to inadequate (or non-existent) testing procedures. This should be a major concern for parents when their children fall ill. Homeopathic medicine has shown to have an 82.6 percent success rate versus conventional medicine at 67.3 percent response in regards to respiratory tract infections. This article will share some natural alternatives to over the counter medicines.

Medicine cabinet must-haves

These homeopathic medicines can be found at most health food store in quick dissolving tablet form and can be used for ...

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