Записи рубрики: Воспитание

Thousands of the most damaged children in care being failed

Thousands of the most damaged children in care being failed

Report criticises treatment of children in care outside their home areas and under supervision of youth offending teams

Up to 3,000 of the most damaged and difficult-to-place children in care are being failed by the state, according to a damning report by the chief inspector of probation and other watchdogs.

In one children’s home they found a 16-year-old who has had 31 different placements since he was taken into care at the age of three. The independent inspectors also found victims of sexual abuse had been placed in units with those who had committed sexually harmful behaviour.

Liz Calderba...

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For Kids: Facts About Elephants!

For Kids: Facts About Elephants!

Learn facts about elephants, including what they eat, how they live, how big they are, how they talk and more!

Elephants are wonderful animals! They are the largest mammals in the world that live on land. There are two kinds of elephants; African and Asian. Asian elephants have smaller ears and shorter tusks than African elephants. The African elephant is bigger and taller than the Asian elephant.

Do elephants live together?

Elephants live in families. Several families live together in a «herd.» The leader of the herd is usually the oldest female elephant. She is called the «matriarch...

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Want Your Baby to Learn? Research Shows Sitting Up Helps

Want Your Baby to Learn? Research Shows Sitting Up Helps

From the Mozart effect to educational videos, many parents want to aid their infants in learning. New research out of North Dakota State University, Fargo, and Texas A&M shows that something as simple as the body position of babies while they learn plays a critical role in their cognitive development.

The study shows that for babies, sitting up, either by themselves or with assistance, plays a significant role in how infants learn. The research titled «Posture Support Improves Object Individuation in Infants,» co-authored by Rebecca J...

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