The key to happier kids? Acts of kindness, study says

The key to happier kids? Acts of kindness, study says

Virtue may be its own reward, but it turns out it’s also got an added bonus for preadolescents. A new study of Canadian kids has found that performing acts of kindness not only boosts their happiness and well-being, it also makes them more popular.

Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, a professor in the University of British Columbia’s faculty of education, and co-author Kristin Layous of the University of California, Riverside, examined whether or not committing kind acts would increase kids’ well-being...

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Ban on Adoptions of Russian Children by American Parents IS a ‘Tragedy’

Ban on Adoptions of Russian Children by American Parents IS a ‘Tragedy’

Russian president Vladimir V. Putin made headlines around the world today when he said he will sign a law banning the adoptions of Russian children by American citizens. He made headlines for a number of reasons, mostly political (the ban is said to be Putin’s retaliation against an American law punishing Russians accused of violating human rights). But as a mom, I find the personal implications of this ban to be the most devastating...

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Science Confirms The Obvious: Kids With Allergies Get Bullied

Science Confirms The Obvious: Kids With Allergies Get Bullied

It’s bad enough that they have to avoid milk and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A new study reveals that kids with allergies also get picked on at lunch.

About 8 percent of children in the United States have food allergies—to peanuts, shellfish, eggs, etc.-and a study from researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai found that about a third of those children are bullied. Their study appeared online December 24 in the journal Pediatrics.

The researchers surveyed 251 pairs of parents and children on visits to allergy clinics and had them fill out a questionnaire about inciden...

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Barbie Doll Values Of The Past And Present

Barbie Doll Values Of The Past And Present

Barbie doll values of the past and present. The difference in values of the Barbie dolls are truly amazing. Whether the dolls are mint in box or never removed from the box will make a differene.

Throughout this article you will see the following collector’s terminology: MIN (Mint In Box), NRFM (Never Removed from Box), and/or MNB (Mint No Box). You may want to consider keeping your Barbie doll in its original box. This keeps your doll in good condition and make sure the box is intact...

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Parents naming kids after Disney characters Tinkerbell and Nemo

Parents naming kids after Disney characters Tinkerbell and Nemo

Disney character names Tinkerbell, Nemo and Buzzbee are among the unusual names that parents have chosen for their newborns this year.

Sailor, Storm, River, Wade and Zed were the other unusual monikers given to babies. compiled the list of names given to 430,000 of the 724,000 babies born this year.

Monikers associated with football, music and motoring also featured in the list of the most popular choices, with Hendrix, Keegan, Zico, Bentley and Diesel included, the Mirror reported.

The site’s spokesperson Lisa Penney said that nowadays more parents want their kids to stand out w...

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Bridge the digital gap with your kids

Bridge the digital gap with your kids

Children between the ages of 8 and 18 spend an average of 53 hours per week on electronic media. How to bridge the digital gap.

Meredith Marx remembers family game night and how she, her brother and their parents gathered around the dining room table to talk, laugh and move game pieces around the boards. It was a fun way to reconnect and unwind.

Try as she might, it’s become much harder for the Baltimore-area mom to create similar memories for her 6-year-old twins, Casey and Parker. The exuberant kindergartners have been surrounded by technology all of their lives...

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No Bullies: Kind Kids Are Most Popular

No Bullies: Kind Kids Are Most Popular

As the holidays call for good will toward men, new research indicates that kids who are kinder are also happier and more popular. This finding suggests that simple and brief acts of kindness might help reduce bullying, the researchers say.

At the top of parents’ wish lists is for their children to be happy, to be good and to be well-liked, and past research has suggested these goals may be not only compatible but complementary...

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Too much Internet use may leave kids ‘brain-dead’: Expert

Too much Internet use may leave kids ‘brain-dead’: Expert

A ‘Google generation’ which relies on the Internet for everything is in danger of becoming ‘brain-dead’, a leading UK inventor has warned.

Trevor Baylis, who invented the wind-up radio, said children are losing creativity and practical skills because they spend too much time in front of screens.

The 75-year-old from Twickenham, south-west London, said he fears that the next generation of inventors is being lost, with young people often unable to make anything with their hands, the ‘Daily Mail’ reported.

He said children could rediscover vital skills if schools used practical toys like Mecc...

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Rates of Childhood Obesity Fall Slightly

Rates of Childhood Obesity Fall Slightly

New data suggest that we may have turned an important corner in the childhood obesity epidemic.

While rates of obesity and extreme obesity in preschoolers rose from 1998 to 2003, they began to plateau soon thereafter. And childhood obesity rates decreased slightly in 2010.

«We are very encouraged by this data,» says study researcher Heidi M. Blanck, PhD, of the CDC in Atlanta. «It’s pretty exciting and a nice turning of the tide. But we have to stay vigilant or it will go in the other direction.»

Researchers looked at data on 27.5 million children aged 2 to 4 from 1998 to 2010...

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All Natural Ways To Treat Your Baby’s Cold

All Natural Ways To Treat Your Baby’s Cold

Almost all babies get a cold before their first birthday. Does your baby have a cold? Many parents are hesitant to give their children decongestants, antihistamines, or other drugs. Here’s a look at natural ways to treat your baby’s sniffles and sneezes.

All of us have been inconvenienced at one time or another by the common cold. Colds aren’t usually serious, but they certainly can be annoying, even for the strongest immune systems. But the common cold can be more than an annoyance for infants and their parents...

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