Home Health: Humidifiers Vs Vaporizers

Home Health: Humidifiers Vs Vaporizers

Discover the differences between a humidifier and vaporizer and why humidity can help with colds.

Every parent wants what’s best for their baby, and this is especially true when baby is sick.At some point, most parents have to make a decision about what type of humidifier to buy.At first, the task seems simple, but then the questions begin.What’s the difference between a humidifier and a vaporizer?How do these machines add moisture to the air?Which one is best for my child?Relax.The answers are here.
When a person has a cold or allergies, humidity helps alleviate the symptoms...

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Family Dinners Promote Healthier Eating

Family Dinners Promote Healthier Eating

Having the family sit down together for dinner every night may make children more likely to eat their fruits and vegetables, researchers found.

Schoolchildren whose families ate dinner together every night ate 1.6 more servings of fruits and vegetables each day compared with those whose families never ate together (P<0.001), according to Meaghan Christian, of the University of Leeds School of Food Science and Nutrition in England, and colleagues.

In addition, parents who ate fruits and vegetables every day and who cut them up for their children had kids who ate more of them (P=0...

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Secondhand smoke linked to childhood meningitis

Secondhand smoke linked to childhood meningitis

«Meningitis link to smoking in pregnancy: Cigarettes can treble child’s chance of developing the disease,» the Daily Mail reports.

The headlines follow the publication of a review that has looked at whether children exposed to secondhand smoke (passive smoking) could be at increased risk of meningococcal meningitis. Meningococcal meningitis (caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis) is the most common type of bacterial meningitis in the UK. If it progresses to a blood infection (septicaemia), the condition can be fatal.

The 18 studies included in the review found that children and adoles...

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Children who eat their own boogers may have stronger immunity than peers

Children who eat their own boogers may have stronger immunity than peers

It is a nasty little habit that most parents try to dissuade their children from engaging in as early on in their childhood years as possible. But one particular piece of scientific research actually suggests that kids who eat their own boogers may end up building stronger immunity compared to their peers, and go on to live healthier, happier lives.

This is the somewhat unusual assessment made by Dr. Friedrich Bischinger, a professor and lung specialist out of Austria, whose research involving boogers and immunity led him to make this somewhat shocking claim. According to Dr...

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Mom Keeps Enough Food to Feed Her Family for a Year — Could You?

Mom Keeps Enough Food to Feed Her Family for a Year — Could You?

How long could you live off the food you have in your home? A month? A week? A day? One mom says she could probably go for a whole year without grocery shopping! She keeps a well-stocked pantry, plus a food storage closet in the basement and plenty of frozen meat and vegetables besides. And it’s all just to help feed needy families along with her family.

It’s amazing what some people do with their space and resources! And after a disaster like Hurricane Sandy, I think we all started wondering how self-sufficient we’d be — and for how long — if we were caught in an emergency.

Growing up Morm...

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Family meals ‘help kids get their five-a-day’

Family meals ‘help kids get their five-a-day’

‘Family meals aid five-a-day: Eating together at the table boosts children’s intake of fruit and vegetables,’ the Daily Mail reports.

The news is from a study that aimed to explore the influence that the home environment has upon a child’s fruit and vegetable intake, in particular parental attitudes to fruit and vegetables. The study included 2,383 primary school children from London who had food diaries completed for them at school and home over a single 24-hour period...

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«Sandy Claus» Delivers Toys to Storm-Stricken Kids

«Sandy Claus» Delivers Toys to Storm-Stricken Kids

From his toy-cluttered Brooklyn apartment, the man in the red suit was making his list and checking it twice. But he made no distinction between naughty or nice: Every child on it would receive a gift from this Santa Claus.

For the children whose toys floated away during Superstorm Sandy, Michael Sciaraffo is playing the role of a real-life Saint Nick. Every afternoon and night, he stuffs his red sack to the brim with presents and heads out to storm-ravaged homes, personally delivering new toys to awestruck little kids whose play rooms were destroyed by floodwaters...

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Kids and digital media: removing the fears

Kids and digital media: removing the fears

Reports of Adam Lanza’s war-game obsession and the new FTC rules on children’s online privacy help refocus concerns on the effects of digital media on children. But parental anxiety can be channeled toward solutions.

Here is what many parents face this Christmas:

Among 6-to-12-year-olds, the top wish in gifts is a mobile device – either a tablet computer or a smart phone.

And the top two bestselling video games (names withheld on purpose) involve military shooting.

Add these two together and parents may wonder how they can better safeguard their children from the head-spinning advances in di...

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Occasional Family Meals Enough to Boost Kids’ Fruit and Veg Intake

Occasional Family Meals Enough to Boost Kids’ Fruit and Veg Intake

Eating meals together as a family, even if only once or twice a week, increases children’s daily fruit and vegetable intake to near the recommended 5 A Day, according to researchers at the University of Leeds.

The study of primary school-aged children, funded by the National Institute for Health Research Public Health Research (NIHR PHR) Programme, also suggests parental consumption of fruit and vegetables and cutting up portions of these foods boosted children’s intake. It is published today in the British Medical Journal’s Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.

Overall, this study found...

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Symptoms Of Sensory Disorders In Children

Symptoms Of Sensory Disorders In Children

Sensory disorders in children need to be identified early for proper intervention. Discussion of the symptoms that present themselves in the 7 sensory categories.

Does your child overreact to loud noises, avoid certain textures, appear overly uncoordinated, or simply seem to lack self-control? If so, he or she may be experiencing some kind of sensory disorder. Of course, all children usually undergo a variety of sensory issues while exploring and interacting within their environments...

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