Why Raise a Child With a Dog

Why Raise a Child With a Dog

The benefits of raising a child in a home with a dog are numerous and it lasts for both their lifetimes. Research has proven that children who grow up with pets are healthier — physically and emotionally — while compared to their other counterparts. Dogs help in various stages of child development and with various skills.

Physical Development

Children born into to a house of pets often have an excellent immune systems. Research has proven that babies that grow up with dogs are found to have lesser ear infections and need for antibiotics during their childhood. The increased exposure to dirt and bacteria around the house helps strengthen a child’s immune system and turn resistant to common infections. A clean home raises a sensitive child. Children need to be exposed to as much dust, dirt and germs as possible from a young age to train the immune system and develop resistance.

Motor Development

Dogs bond deeply with children caring for them and focusing on their every move. Likewise, babies too follow dogs and develop better motor skills. Children raised with dogs learn to crawl, walk and run faster. The physical exercise they get by playing with the dogs keeps their musculosketal system strong and helps them develop great stamina.

Social Development

Children and dogs respond to each other quite well. Dogs in their own silent way teach children to be more social. As they accept us for who we are, they help a child develop socially and have better relationship. Dogs also work as facilitators for social relationships. Children interact more with their friends who have dogs. This way, dogs bridge any gap of awkwardness between children and help them learn to make friends easily.

Emotional Development

Dogs play a large role in the emotional development of a child. They teach compassion, build confidence, improve self-esteem and instil a sense of responsibility. Loyalty is one of the greatest assets for a dog that is passed on to a child who grows up with one. Dogs also prove to be a great facilitators for parents to teach children discipline and responsibility. Depending on the age of the children, they grow up to be fond of their dogs, understand their need to be taken care of and begin with little acts like grooming, feeding and cleaning up the dog’s mess. Eventually they start walking them independently and take upon the responsibilities involved in caring for a pet.

Let them be best friends

The comfort a pet gives a child is so immense that they form a very strong relationship with each other. Since dogs nurture the children of their house, they act as your child’s best friends in time of fear, disappointment, frustration, pain and any kind of discomfort. Children usually confide in their pets. Even if your child is an introvert and does not really speak up with anyone, you can be assured that he is the soul of the life with your dog.


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