Undervaccinated children have better health

Undervaccinated children have better health

The controversy about the efficiency and necessity of vaccines is well known. While conventional medicine advocates the use of vaccines, it also ignores the variety of toxic substances that vaccines contain and compromise the immunological responses. At the same time that medical authorities push for compulsory vaccinations, new data proves that these artificial immunization strategies simply do not work as they are supposed to. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that undervaccinated children have better health, as it is indicated by the frequency of outpatient and emergency hospital visits.

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of alternative immunization schedules, which promote «a spacing out, a delaying, or a forgoing of at least some vaccines» against all official guidelines from institutions, such as the American Academy of Family Physicians, The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Children, who followed such an alternative immunization schedule, were compared to children who received the approved vaccines in a timely manner. The groundbreaking study observed data (2004-2008) from more than 320,000 children, aged two to 24 months. Undervaccinated children were found to have significantly fewer outpatient and emergency visits to the hospital, in comparison to age-appropriately vaccinated children. Also, the authors found that despite the immense political, corporate and medical pressure for forcing vaccinations, the undervaccination trend is growing strong, with more and more parents opting out of the vaccination schemes for their kids.

The JAMA editorial team considers these findings an enigma and highlights the fact that none of these alternative childhood immunization schedules are approved or tested for their efficacy, implying that the approved vaccines are fully tested and safe, which is simply not true. This study proves that staying away or even delaying the toxic cocktails called vaccines may have a measurable effect on the health status and immune system robustness. This is solid evidence that the expected and highly promoted benefits of immunization are not a medical reality, but misleading information and perhaps wishful thinking from the manufacturing pharmaceutical industries and their well-paid medical spokesmen.

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