Записи рубрики: Воспитание

Боремся с детскими истериками — игрушки и не только

Боремся с детскими истериками — игрушки и не только

Возле отдела с игрушками, где выбор игр довольно широкий, стоит мама с маленьким малышом. Малыш громко плачет и требует купить ему новую машинку. А мама, вся красная от стыда за сынишку, стоит и говорит, что не может ему купить ее сейчас.

Многим мамам известна такая картина. Кто-то просто наблюдал ее со стороны, а кто-то был в роли этой мамы...

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Напряженность и страхи у детей

Напряженность и страхи у детей

Авторитарный стиль воспитания вызывает постоянную напряженность у ребенка. Болезненные ожидания неприятностей, угроз, опасности создают благоприятные условия для формирования страха.

Детские страхи – весьма распространенное явление. Уже с раннего возраста срабатывает инстинкт самосохранения, а жизненного опыта еще нет...

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Violent video games associated with increased aggression in children

Violent video games associated with increased aggression in children

Habitually playing violent video games appears to increase aggression in children, regardless of parental involvement and other factors.

More than 90 percent of American youths play video games, and many of these games depict violence, which is often portrayed as fun, justified and without negative consequences.

The authors tracked children and adolescents in Singapore over three years on self-reported measures of gaming habits, aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition (AC, such as aggressive fantasies, beliefs about aggression, and attaching motives of hostility to ambiguous provocations) an...

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Preterm children at increased risk of having math problems

Preterm children at increased risk of having math problems

The new study by the University of Warwick and Ruhr-University Bochum, published in the Journal of Pediatrics, sought to understand the relationship between preterm birth and dyscalculia.

Dyscalculia, a learning disorder which involves frequent problems with everyday arithmetic tasks, is diagnosed when children do worse in maths than would be expected based on their general intelligence.

Study co-author Professor Dieter Wolke from the University of Warwick explained, «Mathematic impairment is not the same as dyscalculia...

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What I want my child to know

What I want my child to know

The other day I was sitting in a café and I heard a group of teenagers talking. There were three girls talking about boys, clothes and other girls over juice.

On first glance, it was a nice scene.

It wasn’t until my curiosity made me listen in a little more. It became apparent that one was trying her hardest to fit in and impress the others – looking a little awkward and notreally enjoying herself.

It prompted me to think about my four-year-old daughter and what’s in store for her in years to come.

I think we’ve all felt a little awkward at one time of another and just wanted to fit in...

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A phone app to get your baby back to sleep

A phone app to get your baby back to sleep

It’s something that parents crave like nothing else, a good night of sleep. However achieving this is sometimes easier said than done. Don’t you wish there was a simple way of grabbing information just as you need it.. quickly, easily and accessible in the middle of the night (with a gentle light that you can take with you?) The Safe Sleep Space team have created a mobile phone ‘App’ that might just get your baby to sleep tonight!

When you’re in the pressure cooker world of settling a new baby into sleep routines your nerves are jangled, your thinking skewed and your reasoning is shot to break...

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Children who watch more television sleep less

Children who watch more television sleep less

Pre-school and school-aged children who spent more time watching television got less sleep according to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics.

Sleep is important and prior research has suggested that television viewing can cause irregular sleep habits. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommended in 2009 that children under 2 years avoid exposure to any media and that for older children time be limited to one to two hours per day.

The authors examined the association between hours of television viewing and sleep in 1,713 children in Spain through parent-reported sleep duration.

Children who ...

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Learning to say no

Learning to say no

If you are kind, helpful and struggle to say no, people will always expect you to say yes unless you become more assertive. When you realise you’re giving all your time and energy to things you don’t want to do, it’s a problem.

You can be lovely as long as you have a choice in it. Before any tricky situation, ask yourself, ‘Do I believe I have the right to say no?’ If you do, then put your needs first. Just remember, that doesn’t make you a horrible person.

In your hands

Saying no in the workplace can be difficult, so if someone asks you to help with something or do them a favour, ...

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6 Grossest Things Kids Do

6 Grossest Things Kids Do

Your kids are perfect, right? They say «please» and «thank you» at the right times. They chew with their mouth closed. Wash their hands often. And they never, ever use potty talk.

Well, at least that’s how you like to view them. Reality, however, paints a very different picture. It makes no difference who you are or how you raise your children. No matter what your race, nationality, financial situation, or location, there is one hard and fast rule: Kids are gross.

Maybe some kids are grosser than others. Maybe some are only gross on occasion...

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Rewards get kids active, but don’t improve health

Rewards get kids active, but don’t improve health

Children will meet activity goals to earn rewards, but the extra effort doesn’t necessarily affect their weight and health, according to a new study.

The findings reinforce earlier research showing that incentives work to get kids more physically active, but the goal might need to be more challenging to show any health benefits.

«If I had to do it again I would do it at a higher level. It was too easy,» said Eric Finkelstein at the Duke-National University of Singapore, who led the new study.

Inactivity among kids is a pressing concern in the U.S. and abroad.

«Kids are known to be inactive, ge...

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