A phone app to get your baby back to sleep

A phone app to get your baby back to sleep

It’s something that parents crave like nothing else, a good night of sleep. However achieving this is sometimes easier said than done. Don’t you wish there was a simple way of grabbing information just as you need it.. quickly, easily and accessible in the middle of the night (with a gentle light that you can take with you?) The Safe Sleep Space team have created a mobile phone ‘App’ that might just get your baby to sleep tonight!

When you’re in the pressure cooker world of settling a new baby into sleep routines your nerves are jangled, your thinking skewed and your reasoning is shot to breakfast time! It’s hard to remember your own name let alone the settling techniques you should be using to achieve a good night’s sleep. You know turning on a light will wake your partner and a book is going to be hard to find at 3am with a crying baby in the next room, so with all that in mind what do you do when you need advice and fast?

Helen Stevens and her partner Cindy Davenport both trained Maternal Child Health Nurses at Safe Sleep Space have developed a smart phone app that gives you a condensed form of the information they use to help parents put fussy babies to sleep.

In this podcast hear how the app was developed to help rather desparate sleep deprived parents.

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